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Philippines Mayor shot dead in Police Raid

A Philippine mayor accused by President Rodrigo Duterte of having links with the illegal drugs trade has been shot dead in a police raid.

Reynaldo Parojinog, mayor of the city of Ozamiz on Mindanao island, was killed with his wife and 10 others at his home as police served a warrant.



Effort To Repeal Obamacare Clears First U.S. Senate Hurdle

The United States Senate on Tuesday voted to begin formal debate on the healthcare legislation that would repeal major elements of Obamacare and possibly replace it with a less costly programme.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Republican-Kentucky) urged his colleagues to support the...

Attacks on people, destruction of property won’t go unpunished, President tells Samburu leaders

July 24, 2017 Foreign, News 21 Views

NAIROBI, 24 July 2017 (PSCU) – Attacks on people and destruction of property will not go unpunished, President Uhuru Kenyatta told leaders from Samburu County today.

Arab League says Israel ‘playing with fire’ at holy site

By AFP |

The Arab League on Sunday accused Israel of “playing with fire” with new security measures at a highly sensitive Jerusalem holy site.

“Jerusalem is a red line,” its chief Ahmed Abul Gheit said in a statement, adding that “no Arab or Muslim will accept violations” against the city’s...

Kenya readies 10,000 police to boost security for pope

Kenya said on Sunday it may deploy as many as 10,000 police officers to boost security during a visit by Pope Francis later this month as the country readies for crowds of one million people.

Islamist rebels have staged a string of attacks in Kenya, including the April massacre at Garissa...

Hopes of survivors fade in Pakistan factory collapse

Hopes of survivors fade in Pakistan factory collapse

November 8, 2015 featured post, Foreign 5 Views

The rescue operation of a factory collapse in Pakistan is too slow and ineffective, family members and colleagues of those crushed under the building have said.

Speaking to Al Jazeera on Saturday, several relatives said their hope was fading...

Lufthansa Cancels All Domestic, European Flights as Strike Continues

Lufthansa sacks 13 Nigerian Amnesty pilots

November 8, 2015 Foreign 4 Views

FRANKFURT—Germany’s Lufthansa AG canceled all domestic flights and European flights on Saturday amid a cabin crew strike affecting about 58,000 passengers, the airline said.

Labor union UFO on Friday launched a weeklong strike after talks between the two...

1992 Consensus: bedrock for cross-Strait relationships

The meeting between President Xi Jinping and the Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou, which kicks off on Saturday afternoon in Singapore, has been hailed by both sides as a “milestone” of the cross-Strait relationship.

For this historic event to take place, great effort had been put into ensuring that...

Ebola virus transmission in Sierra Leone ends says WHO

Geneva – The World Health Organisation (WHO) on Saturday declared that Ebola virus transmission in Sierra Leone has ended.

WHO made the declaration after 42 days, or two Ebola virus incubation cycles, have now passed since the last person confirmed to have Ebola virus disease had a second...