
I’d Have Resigned If Govt Had Paid Ransom – Niger Commissioner

Niger is a state in the Middle Belt region of Nigeria and the largest state in the country.Niger is a state in the Middle Belt region of Nigeria and the largest state in the country.


A Niger state commissioner who regained freedom from bandits on Thursday has said he would have resigned if the government had paid ransom to secure his release.

Muhammad Idris, the State Commissioner for Information and Strategy, revealed this while speaking to journalists at his Minna residence.

He spent about five days with his abductors before he was released.

While narrating his ordeal in the hands of the bandits, he said that he had committed everything to God and resolved that a ransom will not be paid.

He appreciated the Niger State Governor, Abubakar Sani Bello for maintaining the policy of non-ransom payment to bandits.

According to him, his release was as the result of prayers, adding that he remained resolute and could not be broken down by the bandits and eventually, after a lengthy discussion with the bandits, he was set free.

He said that he was happy to be reunited with his family and that he was happy to be a cabinet member of the state especially with the love he has received

The commissioner was seen with his daughter who he said witnessed the incident and the brutality on him before he was whisked away.

The commissioner’s son, Faisal Idris, said the family was happy that their father has been reunited with them and credited God for the release.

source from channelstv

Author:Solomon Elusoji

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