
Shehu Sani Slams Nigerian Government Over Failure To Curb Killings In Southern Kaduna

A former lawmaker representing Kaduna Central Senatorial District at the National Assembly, Shehu Sani, has described the endless carnage in Southern Kaduna as terrorism.

He said the incessant spilling of blood in the area was as a result of inept leadership by both the federal and state governments, who had abandoned their constitutional duties and responsibilities.

Sani disclosed this in a statement on Saturday in reaction to an earlier position by the Presidency stating that the killings in the area was a revenge mission.


The lawmaker said the leadership of the Northern region had lost its conscience while the country had lost its will and spirit to protect citizens.

The statement reads, "The violence and bloodshed in Southern Kaduna is unconscionable and stands unreservedly condemned.

"The blood of the innocent is being spilled in the most unimaginably cruel and unspeakably evil manner and with impunity. In Southern Kaduna, the North has lost its conscience and the nation has lost its will and spirit.

"Terrorists have turned Southern Kaduna to a mortuary and a graveyard. The federal and state government must live up to their moral and constitutional duties and responsibilities by ending the slaughter and carnage now.

"Where the people cannot be protected from systemic killings and are not allowed to defend themselves, the government carries the sum of the moral burden of guilt and complicity.

"The national flag is splashed with blood each time an innocent man or woman is killed."

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source from sahara politics


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